

All you could Wish for this valentines

All you could Wish for this valentines

We have been huge fans of Wish since we discovered the ecommerce marketplace last year, and ever since become a must have for affordable pet essentials, seasonal props and decorations and homeware for us.

Wish is one of the largest ecommerce marketplaces on Earth, where you can get your paws on anything you ‘wish’ for at very reasonable prices. It’s a fun and speedy service all in an easy-to-use app, so it’s no surprise we stocked up on some Valentines goodies to show our pack of pooches how much we adore them!

With 170,000 merchants registered, 900,000 products sold per day and 24 million active users across the world, it’s no surprise that we found so much for our pets, including grooming products, health care, accessories, toys, clothing and more!

The ‘Wish List’ within the app is a super handy way to keep an eye on some favourite items, so it’s nice and easy to locate them and move across to your basket when you’re ready to purchase!

Our four doggos, Puggy, Pops, Pomegranate and YumYum mean the world to us, so we spoil them at every opportunity, with valentines being no exception!

I think you’ll all agree that our rescue Pomeranian, Pommie, looks incredible in her ribbed love hear printed doggy jumper. Its excellent quality and protects her fur from the rainy weather, and we get so many compliments on how cute she looks whenever we go on walkies!

Puggy Smalls was super spoilt this valentine and we decked him out with his very own snuggle corner, complete with faux fur heart shaped rug, balloons, toys, confetti, and the most adorable doggy tuxedo collar we have ever seen!

Pops, our stylish dachshund fashionista loves to keep ahead of trends and her followers love to see her styling her fancy doggy outfits which can be tricky to keep up with. Its safe to say we nailed her valentines look, with this barbie-core pink cowgirl hat, diamante dog collar, cosy hot pink jumper, and heart shaped glasses!

All our pooches love the faux fur black and white heart blanket too, its machine washable and large enough for all of them to snuggle under for the month of love!

As always, we are exceptionally happy with our purchases from Wish, and we cannot recommend them enough! If you’re looking for essential pet supplies, photo shoot props or something silly, there’s heaps of goodies for pets of all types and sizes!

All items were a total bargain, packaged well, and the quality is perfect! On the Wish app, you are guaranteed to find some killer bargains, and tonnes of inspiration to keep your pet looking and feeling gorgeous!

Download the addictive Wish app now and don’t forget to check out our wish list for all the items in these photos and more!

Check out our wish list by clicking here

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